WATERBUGS Exterminator

American Cockroaches also are known as Waterbugs and they are the largest domestic species in the United States. Adults may be 1 to more than 1 1/2 inches long. They are red to reddish-brown and have wings covering their entire abdomen. Males are territorial and strong fliers. A female will lay a capsule containing 14-16 […]

SPIDERS Exterminator

Spiders are not insects. Many species of spiders are common household pests in the United States. They are considered a beneficial pest because they prey on other insects and many people do not consider pest control measures when it comes to dealing with most spiders. Spiders have eight legs, which makes them easy to separate […]

SILVERFISH Exterminator

Silverfish are known for their destructive feeding habits. Capable of thriving in most climates. Silverfish prefer to dwell in dark, damp areas such as basements, attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are especially attracted to paper and damp clothing. Commonly found in stored boxes in garages and sheds. What Do Silverfish Look Like? Silverfish have no […]

RODENTS (House Mice/Rats) Exterminator

Domestic rodents constitute a major pest problem. The definition of rodent is “a gnawing mammal”. They eat almost every food people eat and contaminate more food than they consume. Rodents will also gnaw on structural wood, wires, and other materials. This can lead to costly structural damage and other issues. The major domestic rodents are […]

FLIES Exterminator

Flies experience a complete metamorphosis which includes egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. Adult flies have a pair of wings and sucking or sponging mouth parts. Larvae also called maggots to have chewing mouth parts. The larvae are wingless so they wriggle through the waste that the eggs were laid. Most fly problems can be […]

FLEAS Exterminator

Adult fleas are small, wingless, brown to black, bloodsucking insects that are flattened from side to side. This shape allows them to move between the hairs on an animal. While they cannot fly they can jump as far as six inches. More information about Fleas Adult fleas obtain their blood meal from their hosts, which […]

COCKROACHES Exterminator

  Cockroaches are flat, brownish or dark-colored, and fast-moving insects that undergo simple metamorphosis. Cockroach babies look like miniature versions of the adult. Cockroaches have a high reproductive potential. Thus female cockroaches can lay between 15 and 40 eggs at a time. Cockroaches are generally active at night and will seek cover during the day […]

ANTS Exterminator

Ants, according to many experts, top the lists of structural pests. Fortunately, most ant species live outdoors. However, when they nest near structures they can become a nuisance, get into our food, pose a health threat and/or cause structural damage. Ant Biology: Ants go through a complete metamorphosis of which there are four stages: egg, […]

BEDBUGS Exterminator

The common bedbug is a human parasite, unlike other parasites they are only on their human host to feed, and then move off to hide, rest and lay eggs. Some people bitten may experience itching and swelling at the site of the bite, while others may have no reaction at all. These bites may appear […]