SILVERFISH Exterminator

silverfish pest

Silverfish are known for their destructive feeding habits. Capable of thriving in most climates. Silverfish prefer to dwell in dark, damp areas such as basements, attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are especially attracted to paper and damp clothing. Commonly found in stored boxes in garages and sheds.

What Do Silverfish Look Like?

Silverfish have no wings, but are able to run very fast. Adult silverfish have a body length of about ½-3/4” (12-19 mm) not including the tail. They have a flattened body and their shape is often compared to a teardrop, carrot or fish, tapering from head to rear and generally covered with scales. Silverfish are named after their silvery, metallic appearance as well as their fish-like shape and movements. They also have threadlike antennas and small compound eyes that are widely separated. Immature silverfish look similar to adults, except for size and their scales appear with the third or fourth molt.

Sign of a Silverfish Infestation

Keep an eye out for feeding marks, although they may be irregular whether they are holes, notches along an edge, or surface etchings. Yellow stains, scales and/or feces (tiny black pepper-like pellets) may also be seen on infested materials.

Silverfish Prevention and Control

Looking to prevent or get rid of a silverfish infestation? The key to silverfish control is thoroughly inspecting preferred habitat areas and where appropriate food materials are present. If the infestation is localized on the inside, one can assume that it is recent and was either brought in via infested items or represents a recent invasion from the outside. If the infestation is widespread, then attention should be directed to the outside. Anything stored against or near the house’s exterior must be moved or removed since silverfish can easily climb up walls and find entrance around window and door frames, utility pipes and vents. Shake roofs should also be cleaned and sealed every other year.

Silverfish Control Tips

Get a dehumidifier for your home, repair leaky pipes and drains, and eliminate or repair any moldy or wet wood. Also don’t keep old books and magazines in areas where silverfish are usually found like basements, attics and garages. And it’s important to keep food items such as flour and sugar in tight containers.

If a silverfish infestation is suspected or found, it’s best to call a licensed pest control professional to properly inspect the home and recommend the appropriate treatment method.

About the author: admin